How Sitting Impacts Your Health

How Sitting Impacts Your Health

Many Americans sit for extended periods every day. This includes time at work, time at home watching television, commuting, and other “activities.” But sitting impacts your health more than you might think. According to Mayo Clinic, we use less energy when we sit compared to when we stand. While that is obviously a downside to sitting, what does it mean?

Well, we all know that moving is good for our bodies, and not exercising enough can lead to health problems. Harvard Health Publishing suggests that too much sitting can lead to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, deep-vein thrombosis, and metabolic syndrome. Business Insider also reports that too much sitting may harm the brain. Surely, these issues should be avoided.

But how? Our days practically revolve around sitting. From work to screen time and everything in between, sitting makes up the majority of our waking days. Fortunately, there are ways to break up the monotony.

Take Breaks

No matter how busy you are, taking breaks can lead to increased productivity. According to Forbes, “regular breaks create better employees.” While this may sound counterintuitive, it’s true. Stand up, take a walk around the office, and do a quick stretch. Your break doesn’t have to be lengthy, and the good it can do outweighs the minute or two away from your desk. Mayo Clinic suggests taking a break every 30 minutes.

Walk While You Work

You may not be able to do everything while on your feet, but there are certainly some tasks you can do while walking around. If you have a business call, take it while moving around. Some people even position a treadmill under their work area to allow them to stand and walk while they work at their computer. Find a system that works for you and go for it!

Regularly Exercise

While you may not be able to get in an intense workout during the workday, consider finding time to exercise before or after work. Doing so can help counter the adverse effects of sitting. Whether you get a gym pass or simply run through your neighborhood, finding this time to work your body can invigorate the brain and help keep your body healthy.

Turn Off the TV

While catching up on reruns of Friends or Everybody Loves Raymond may be a relaxing after-work activity, consider spending some of that time to unwind in a more physical way. Go for a run, stretch, try yoga, or otherwise get your body moving. Netflix will be there when you get back, so you won’t be missing out on anything too important.


While many sources cite that sitting impacts your health, it can still take some thought and effort to change these habits. Still, it’s important to make the necessary changes to counter your daily sitting schedule. At Hampton Family Practice, we want you to be healthy, and we know that too much sitting impacts your health in harmful ways. Find methods that work for you and start improving your health! If you have any health issues or concerns you would like to see a doctor for, please visit us online to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

2022-07-19T16:47:41-04:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health Tips|Tags: , |

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